
March 31, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

I am in a Facebook group:  TWIRL THIS!!
It's a group for doing these kinds of Digital Edits.

I get asked a lot how I do what I do, how do I make the images I make... Etc..

In order to help people out in the group, I have put this little tutorial together.


MASTER / INITIAL IMAGE - Load this into Photoshop (we will be using PS for this, but i am assuming you know you to do some basic things, layers, masks, copy layers, mirror, flips)

Master ImageMaster Image

I always work on a 3000x3000 pixel canvas - so i redid my canvas to 3000x3000.

In order to get the "twirl" I wanted I redid the image (copying it, rotating it and stretching it) to look like this:


Once I had this, I used an "action" that I built a while back to make this twirl.  If you want more info on the settings for "twirling" visit this blog page


You will notice that the twirl kind of follows the way the image was top left to bottom right.

From here you have a lot of option, Make a copy (always 1st) then flip:

twirl-Verticaltwirl-VerticalVERTICAL COPY twirl-horizontaltwirl-horizontalHORIZONTAL COPY

From this I decided I liked the VERTICAL Twirl.  Took it, shrank the layers and rotated them 90 deg.

Layers are set to "LIGHTEN" to allow them to blend better.

Image-1Image-1Twirl rotated and shrunk

To keep the "mirroring" going, I flipped the above image over.


Notice they are not exactly centered into the box, little seperation helps some.

But I dont like the "sharp" edges along the middle.  To fix this, i combined each of these (2) layers to form 2 new layers.
Then I added a "MASK" to each of these layers.

Photoshop Layer Masks Advanced Tips and Tricks
This allows you to "draw" over the images and mask out or keep areas.  I set a rather large brush with 100% hardness to allow the image to "feather" out.

Then I paint around the sharp edges to smooth them out.

See the BEFORE and AFTER below:


Look close at the center parts.

Turn off the layers above to play with the left/right items.

To add some more layers to this, rotated and moved around:




Turning on the origional layers

twirl-5twirl-5 twirl-6twirl-6

Decided I wanted another "Style" of twirl, went back to the same image, did a little different twirl on that. (more rotation mainly)


For this one I wanted to make this more of a STAR so I added duplicate layers then rotated those see the series below:

Rotation-2Rotation-2 Rotation-3Rotation-3 Rotation-4Rotation-4

Wanted these to be the corners of the image.  


Combining these all together:


I like to add some additional steps here.  First i duplicate this layer and take it into Topaz Labs "GLOW 2" and add a little "Fur and Feathers Glow" - This adds some defination to the lines. (or anyway I like it)


I have been adding some more things to my images.. I have some "glitter" brushes (not 100% sure where I got them, search google, there are ton out there for free).

This shows just the glitter items, mainly these little stars with some trails.  Every few items are on a new layer, this shows all layers combined.


And here is the Final combine image:

(C) 2020 RomanDA PhotographyFINAL TWIRLFINAL TWIRL (C) 2020 RomanDA Photography

If you enjoyed this, please comment below, or visit my FB page: RomanDA Photography



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